When purchasing a home, make sure you find out how old the roof is. Not keeping up with your roof can lead to all sorts of issues like water damage. When putting money aside for a savings account, make sure to consider a roof replacement fund and make sure your home is protected. If you have a loss or damage that is due to your roof being old and unkept, your insurance company may deny your claim. That is why it is extremely important to know the condition of your roof. Here are a few different types of roofs.
- Asphalt Roofing/Shingles: Typically, these shingles should last 15 – 20 years before you will need to replace them. But sometimes if they were specially designed to be more resilient, you could get even a few extra years from them.
- Cement Tile/Clay: This option is typically the hardiest due to how heavy these tiles are. This makes them very durable and can last you anywhere from 50 to 100 years.
- Slate: This is the most durable roofing there is and can last 100 years and sometimes longer.
- Wood Shingles: These require regular maintenance and last about 25-30 years.
- Metal Roofing: Aluminum or steel roofs can last 50 years before you need to replace them. Zinc or copper can last 100 years or more.
Keep this in mind when going over your home’s maintenance and make sure you stay ahead of your replacement to avoid the roof failing you. Whether you have a shingle roof or a slate roof, you may want a roofing contractor to give you roof inspections. If they are in good shape, you should find out the costs to replace and what signs of damage to look for. Call your agent at Health Benefit Services LLC today to go over your home insurance and make sure you are covered.